InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertWelcome to Chryptianity RevealedA publication dedicated to unlocking the Bible’s secretsAug 27, 20211Aug 27, 20211
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertChristianity Decrypted: ChryptianityThe programmed revelation of stories engineered to change the worldApr 11, 20211Apr 11, 20211
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertI’ll Tell You Why God Put That Stupid Tree in the GardenBut you won’t like itAug 7, 20214Aug 7, 20214
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertEvil During the Age of AquariusChristianity and the changing nature of moralityJun 17, 20211Jun 17, 20211
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertMilk for Babies, Meat for AdultsJust don’t ask about feet in the BibleJan 28, 2021Jan 28, 2021
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertWhy I Bother to Study the BibleWhen I am not even ChristianApr 8, 20211Apr 8, 20211
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertChristianity and the Higher EmotionsBiblical ages and the development of human consciousnessAug 12, 20211Aug 12, 20211
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertIs Christianity Ready for Critical Faith Theory?Recently, while on Twitter, I had the following exchange with another user.Jun 26, 20215Jun 26, 20215
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertDueling Biblical NarrativesChristian versus ChryptianJul 11, 20211Jul 11, 20211
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertDo I Actually Believe in God?Or am I just trying to make money?Aug 21, 20212Aug 21, 20212
Timothy James LambertThe Sound of One Fan LeavingAnd taking their claps with themJul 11, 20213Jul 11, 20213
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertResponding to the Critic(s) of ChryptianityBecause we all have questionsSep 4, 20212Sep 4, 20212