InThe Pen & PlumebyTimothy James LambertDoes the Second Creation Story from Genesis Also Contain I-Ching Encryption?Am I following patterns or chasing ghosts?Aug 14, 2023Aug 14, 2023
InThe Pen & PlumebyTimothy James LambertExploring Genesis 6: Giants and the Sons of GodA Speculative InterpretationJul 7, 2023Jul 7, 2023
InThe Pen & PlumebyTimothy James LambertExploring the Genesis-I Ching ConnectionOr perhaps just a crazy theory in need of debunkingJul 14, 20234Jul 14, 20234
InThe Pen & PlumebyTimothy James LambertThe Genesis Narrative and Spherical AggregationUncovering Structural ParallelsJul 31, 20233Jul 31, 20233
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertThe Great Chain of BeingFinding our place in the cosmic hierarchyOct 13, 2021Oct 13, 2021
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertThe Secrets of the Star of DavidAnd the history of the pentagramOct 6, 20211Oct 6, 20211
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertWhy You Should Care about Sphere-PackingNever underestimate the value of wooSep 30, 20211Sep 30, 20211
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertTaste the Fruit of Knowledge! Go Ahead, Take a Bite!It ain’t gonna kill yaDec 28, 20204Dec 28, 20204
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertSphere Packing and the Seven Days of GenesisWhat one has to do with the otherMar 28, 20212Mar 28, 20212
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertAstrology and the Seven Days of GenesisWhat one has to do with the otherApr 5, 2021Apr 5, 2021
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertThe I-Ching and the Seven Days of GenesisWhat one has to do with the otherJul 15, 20212Jul 15, 20212
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertLet There Be Lights in the Firmament of the Heaven to Divide the Day From the NightDay four: A reexamination of the fourth of the seven days of creationMar 25, 20211Mar 25, 20211
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertLet the Waters Under the Heaven Be Gathered Together Unto One Place, and Let the Dry Land AppearDay three: A reexamination of the third of the seven days of creationMar 16, 2021Mar 16, 2021
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertAnd God Said, Let There Be a Firmament in the Midst of the WatersDay two: A reexamination of the second of the seven days of creationMar 12, 2021Mar 12, 2021
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertLet There Be Light: And There Was LightDay one: A reexamination of the first of the seven days of creationMar 7, 2021Mar 7, 2021
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertAnd Darkness Was Upon the Face of the DeepDay zero: A reexamination of the prologue to the seven days of creationMar 4, 2021Mar 4, 2021
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertThe Kingdom Is Within You and Outside of YouAsk a seven-day-old child about the place of lifeFeb 28, 20211Feb 28, 20211
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertSo You Want to Talk With AliensIs music the universal language?Sep 16, 2021Sep 16, 2021
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertYou Need Balls to Study This SystemThe lost keys to cosmic thoughtSep 12, 2021Sep 12, 2021
InChryptianity RevealedbyTimothy James LambertThe Sound of One Hand ClappingCan you answer this ancient koan?Aug 26, 2021Aug 26, 2021